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  1. D

    Tau Labs Open Pilot forum is now Tau Labs forum.

    ahh yes... "statewide chaos" in the form of "email addresses and IP addresses for days". ;) I never said you picked the thread because it was me. You've been on here pushing your weight around for a few days, making a point to jes1111 was the first time it caught my attention. I was really...
  2. D

    Tau Labs Open Pilot forum is now Tau Labs forum.

    Where can I buy a Sparky? I would love to compare so that I am more informed. Can I paypal you some loot? I saw the batch you did in your oven. Should I PM you? I think you still have my email addy?
  3. D

    Tau Labs Open Pilot forum is now Tau Labs forum.

    "We're all trying to move on, and you're here trying to make it difficult." Ohhhhhh now ya know how it feels eh? Funny that THAT old tune starts to get played. "beating on a dead horse trying to keep the OP vs. tau Labs animosity going." So says the man that actually brought me here by saying...
  4. D

    Tau Labs Open Pilot forum is now Tau Labs forum.

    As an end user what it boils down to is that at the very least there is a *static* *stable* *supported* community around with which the OpenPilot CC3D landscape sits. This has unfortunately yet to manifest in the TL world. The mentality of Tau labs has been stated several times "we do not want...
  5. D

    Tau Labs Open Pilot forum is now Tau Labs forum.

    Btw my Birthday is on the 6th! I am only 33 though :/ Your age trumps me by far Bartman. Sorry it wasn't clear for me at least (and a few folks that have asked me about it)... again it seems to be an odd mix of poor documentation, user error and a bug? Kenn touched on it a bit here I guess...
  6. D

    Tau Labs Open Pilot forum is now Tau Labs forum.

    Forgive me... I thought that was the point of the seemingly spiteful rename of the forum to "Tau Labs". I thought we were mincing words, and very subtly indirectly poking fun at each other (the Tau fansbois + the OP fanbois). I think I've seen this all on NatGeo before...
  7. D

    Tau Labs Open Pilot forum is now Tau Labs forum.

    Everyone that asks me about TauLabs GCS or firmware seems to get lost in the Google Threads. I am asking what the best way to get TauLabs specific support is. Someone mentioned in the other thread that they love their CC3D / CC boards because they are supported by TauLabs. I was just wondering...
  8. D

    Tau Labs Open Pilot forum is now Tau Labs forum.

    Do you guys have any information to pass on to RMRC CC3D users to help get them up to speed on TauLabs? How does the support structure work?
  9. D

    Tau Labs OP Developers banned

    You thought I was a friend? really? Why is that now? Because we exchanged a few emails? ummm ok old pal. Kinda like how I make a random comment / thread post and all the sudden I represent all of the OP community with how "open minded and gracious" the group is. Surely Bartman was "killing" you...
  10. D

    Tau Labs OP Developers banned

    Oh man... what a riot you are. ;) I sure hope that Tim from FPVManuals knows you think he is a "**** lip". That is very gracious and all... You act like you are all holy and NOT close minded. Yet every damn time there is project drama I get an email from one of your vultures looking to swoop in...
  11. D

    Wired Magazine cover and article about drones

    Considering that I made a pact with you to not say anything about your post. I will kindly ask you, do you want me to respond? If you prefer I will honor my original offer and allow your retort to lay without rebuttal on my end. You certainly left some nice meat to chew on however. Let me...
  12. D

    Wired Magazine cover and article about drones

    Yes this is indeed Kevin Finisterre Banned DIYDrones user / Ex DIYDrones WikiNinja. This isn't about me... nice deflection attempt though. Pretend it wasn't *ME* asking the questions and just address them as best you can...
  13. D

    Wired Magazine cover and article about drones

    I'm really trying to hold back my sharp toothed tongue here. It is violently lashing about inside my mouth right now. I think there is one good place to start however, and that is with your last quote. I'll say ahead of time I am sorry if anyone finds this offensive, I just hate to see other...