Search results

  1. W

    What Props do we need ? 14 x 4 light weight Carbon ?

    I'd be interested in 15" x 4" props.
  2. W

    California sucks! Video of cop telling me I cant fly in this large open grassy field

    Did he tell you to stop because some of the materials used to make your helicopter is known to cause cancer in the state of California?
  3. W

    Need STABLE Multicopter Recommendations, 99% look unsuitable 4 filming

    Take a look at what this guy did, using an OpenPilot ControlCopter board. I kid him about having it mounted atop a utility pole but that's how stable it is. In fact, take a look at what many OpenPilot folks are doing. The key is...
  4. W

    Helicopter versus Multirotor for Aerial Photography

    They're expensive when you crash them in the later stages, too.... :tennis:
  5. W

    How this for formation flying ?

    Absolutely impressive!
  6. W

    Planning a quad copter. Recommendations, please?

    I'm planning to build a quad copter for aerial videos. I've been experimenting a lot with a small single rotor but want to build a more stable and somewhat safer multi-rotor design that can carry a much better camera which weighs about a pound. Total gross weight of a quadcopter capable of...
  7. W

    FAA action against RC activities

    There was also this publication that came up in the search.
  8. W

    FAA action against RC activities

    Here's information from the FAA website, published last year. I did a search on the FAA site for anything related to RC model aircraft restrictions, etc. and this is what came up. December 1, 2010 Contact: Les Dorr, Jr...