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  1. Nocteel

    Moisture and Salt Proofing Motors

    I will defiantly look into those. I'm also planning on building an air boat with some of my spare motors that still work but I don't trust to fly. That would be a good test platform for these ideas. Any specific treatment for the bearings? The OpenROV site mentions just flushing the motors...
  2. Nocteel

    6 Motor Failures. What is this noob doing wrong.

    Lets see... Not if I can help it, probably (It's always hot and humid around here), and I'm not sure. I have been struggling to find good specs on motors. Is having shielded bearings something that would be mentioned in the specs if they have it? If that's so, then no the Twister nor DJI...
  3. Nocteel

    Moisture and Salt Proofing Motors

    I live on the coast and have had more than my fair share of motor failures. (See 6 Motor Failures. What is this noob doing wrong.) I have come to the conclusion that the salt and moisture in the air (along with plain bad luck) have been killing my motors. As I state in that thread, I try not...
  4. Nocteel

    6 Motor Failures. What is this noob doing wrong.

    OK so I found the updated software that the old software doesn't tell you about. Upgraded it and the firmware and after a calibration (why wasn't this an option before?) everything seams to be in order. I am noticing that the motors are about 109 F after a flight though. Of course it's hot as...
  5. Nocteel

    6 Motor Failures. What is this noob doing wrong.

    Ok sorry about the laps in updates here. I had a death in the family that put a hold on this for a while. Also the replacement Twister motors have still not come in. I went ahead and bought another DJI motor to hold me over so to speak, and installed it today. In manual mode it is smooth and...
  6. Nocteel

    Explain Motors to Me

    I will look into the AMP extensions then. BTW I also fly with the DX8 and originally used the programming guide here: DJI Naza Programming for Spektrum DX8, DX18 & DX18QQ - RC Groups . Of course I'v tweaked it a bit to my liking since then but that's a really good starting off point and he...
  7. Nocteel

    Explain Motors to Me

    I'm running into that too. Your talking about the aluminium plates that bolt on the ends right? I've heard they are heavy versus just getting longer arms is that true? I was going to go with them until someone here said they had heard they weren't good. How are they working for you? And back...
  8. Nocteel

    Explain Motors to Me

    I agree. I'm pretty up on electronics but that page makes me go cross eyed. I'll bump this since I agree that a few examples with explanations would do wonders. Maybe using a common frame as a base and then building a few MRs in the ecalc tool with explinations as to why certain motors are...
  9. Nocteel

    6 Motor Failures. What is this noob doing wrong.

    I agree. The experimentation is still a bit down the road. I did check the mounting bolts but failed to report back. Again I'm using the stock bolts that came with the frame. They extend out about 4 revolutions into the motor which is maybe one or two revolutions clear of passing through the...
  10. Nocteel

    I got a bad motor can u help me identify which one

    I'm kinda new to MRs but in my short time have had more than my share of motor failures. In all cases however I could just spin the motor by hand and feel that something was wrong. is there any rotation drift as well? If it was me I would just replace motor "D" with your spare and do a quick...
  11. Nocteel

    Help with LiPo's!

    Also remember that charging at lower amperage might take longer it's easier on the battery and makes it a lot less likely to over heat. I'm still using a relatively simple charger and charge even my big 4400 at only 3A.
  12. Nocteel

    6 Motor Failures. What is this noob doing wrong.

    I might play the guinea pig and order both and report back. Then again by my measurements the 12 in props should clear each other by 1.5 cm on the unmodified arms. Is that too close? I don't see how they would be able to hit each other without something else moving and I can't imagine that...
  13. Nocteel

    6 Motor Failures. What is this noob doing wrong.

    Hadn't seen the longer arms but I had been looking at some aluminum extender plates I came across. What is the min clearance required between props? Is it just "don't let them hit anything/each other" or are there other factors involved?
  14. Nocteel

    6 Motor Failures. What is this noob doing wrong.

    ESCs are the 30A DJI ones and the props on it now are, again, the stock 10in DJI. With the twister motors I was running 10x4.7 APC. Now here's something I didn't mention in the original post. The 10x4.7s are the ones that came with the kit but in doing more digging after all this has happened...
  15. Nocteel

    6 Motor Failures. What is this noob doing wrong.

    That was what I was thinking until the DJI motor failed. It's been different arms as well. Can a bad ESC cause motor bearings to fail?
  16. Nocteel

    6 Motor Failures. What is this noob doing wrong.

    Yes, duh battery. Knew I forgot something. I am using 3s liPo 3650 and 4400 batteries. (45C if that also makes a difference.) This was actually the first time flying close to the beach. (Well closer than about 2 miles away) I try to avoid flying when there is strong wind off the water...
  17. Nocteel

    6 Motor Failures. What is this noob doing wrong.

    So here's the long story condensed down as much as I can. I have just built my first multirotor and have been grounded due to motor failures more than I've been flying so far. First I suppose should be my specs: Flame Wheel F450 DJI 30A ESCs NAZA + GPS DJI 2212-920 and Twister T450-880...
  18. Nocteel

    New to the multirotor field in NC

    Well Here I am. Just put together my first multirotor and realized I'm in deeper than I thought. I have Fooled around with RC before (I built a RC sailboat as my last project) but never anything this complex. I fly a DJI F450 with NAZA+GPS and while it flies amazing when everything works I've...