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    Tom from Sydney

    Hey Steven. Did you ever make it to Sydney and if you did what are you up to? Found any guys to fly with yet? Cheers Tom
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    Tom from Sydney

    I have a few places to fly depending what I want to do. For testing something new (parts, props and stuff) I go up to Castle Hill show ground or the sports field next to it during the day. Most of the time nobody is there. Fagan park up at Glenorie is good too during the week for filming or just...
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    Tom from Sydney

    Hi Dave, Welcome to the forum first of all. Haven't done much this year as I was waiting for the new T2216 v2 motors which I have now but haven't tested them yet. Keen to go out again as it is not that hot outside anymore. What are you up to? Cheers Tom
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    Matts PVC T-QUAD

    Thanks for the advice Matt :) I don't think i will have a lot of problems with flying. With racing electric and petrol RC's cars and flying indoor electric choppers plus my little AR Drone i have a some confidence. The AR Drone is still in one piece and haven't broken a single
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    Tom from Sydney

    Hi Steven. Sorry no i don't know any as i just started myself but certainly will come once we find one. Cheers Tom
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    Tom from Sydney

    Hi Pete, thanks for the welcome :) I prefer DIY as well as i have done the same with my other RC gear. Love tinkering with it. However when i looked at the cost involved between DIY and buy one semi assembled i found only $50 difference. Once i have it there is still a lot of things to try i.e...
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    Tom from Sydney

    Hi everyone. Thanks to mattsPVC i am a new member. I have only very little experience with multi rotors and hope to find all i need to get into this awesome hobby. My first and only multi rotor is a AR Drone which was a lot of fun but hit the limitations very quickly and lost interest. After...
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    Matts PVC T-QUAD

    Hi Matt, after following your links on youtube i ended up in here and i could not thank you enough for it. I watched every single video and instructions in here. Now i am thinking twice about getting the Phantom....thanks mate :) I have to come and visit you next time in am down your way and...