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  1. 6

    ESC Connenction

    RC Servos function based on pulse width not duty cycle, it is not PWM: Analog servos only power the motor once per pulse which means that driving them too slow causes the motion to be very jerky and driving too fast can burn out the electronics/motor...
  2. 6

    I Have Variable Pitch but What Flight Controller?

    I'm hoping for an all up weight of 1-1.2Kg and total thrust of ~2.4Kg which should fly very well. I suspect that variable pitch can get away with less thrust:weight because it is capable of delivering maximum thrust in an instant instead of using the power to spin up the prop. The four...
  3. 6

    I Have Variable Pitch but What Flight Controller?

    It will be a standard quad. I've got two clockwise and two counter-clockwise units. If this works out I'm hoping to do a belt/torque tube version with a single motor.
  4. 6

    I Have Variable Pitch but What Flight Controller?

    I've built a set of these guys: Each one weighs 122g with blades and can produce 600g of thrust in either direction off of a 2s lipo so including battery the weight is comparable to a standard quad motor. I have no idea how I am going to make it fly. It looked like the coptorcontrol board...
  5. 6

    ESC Connenction

    50% throttle would be 50hz square wave with a 7.5% duty cycle. The control signals are not PWM. Look up servo/PPM control instead. The maximum update rate for an ESC/Servo varies greatly from 50-400hz based on firmware etc.