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  1. F

    DJI F550 which replacement props?

    I am running F550 with 3S ....Looking for 10" replacement as well...anyone can share where is good deal and ship to Canada as well?
  2. F

    Naza acting very strange.

    Just let everyone know I fixed my problems. Naza controller need to be reset and now working well. Now I need to fine tune the gimbal. Anyone would recommend the setting on Gimbal page ? I am using the 2 axis Naza FlameGear XT Mount with GoPRO 2. Many Thanks.
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    Naza falls out of the sky... Attitude Mode / Intelligent cut off problem

    I been flying in GPS. I just found out the problem and fixed now. Simply reset the system and it works! Many thanks for everyone input..Cheers!
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    Naza acting very strange.

    My motors are NOT warm at all. Each flight last only 2 mins since I am still testing it. I posted detail problems here: Please give me your ideas....Thanks...
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    Intelligent Mode does not stop motors in 3 sec

    I keep trying to calibrate the Tx..all in sudden...I have this ERROR... After cycle controller couple times..still here...any help ?
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    Intelligent Mode does not stop motors in 3 sec

    It really looks like to me system cannot tell throttle position. Unless I really miss something in the Tx calibration part which look very straight forward to me!
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    Intelligent Mode does not stop motors in 3 sec

    Can I call you ...?
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    Intelligent Mode does not stop motors in 3 sec

    Yes...I just center throttle to show it is all stable and green in centre point. GPS calibration done without any problem as well. Just somehow I wonder if it is firmware problem, however, I did try to setup on my 2nd computer which turn out same result.
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    Intelligent Mode does not stop motors in 3 sec

    I notice when system won't stop the motor after CSC within 3sec without push power, something wrong with the NAZA!
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    Intelligent Mode does not stop motors in 3 sec

    I have it in GPS mode - Green light confirmed. Attached the assistant setup and F550 pictures
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    Intelligent Mode does not stop motors in 3 sec It shows motor does not stop even I waited more than 3sec and notice height control not stable Did try different vertical gain from 100 -250% but no different.
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    Intelligent Mode does not stop motors in 3 sec

    I have the F550 with DJI motors and ESC and Futaba 8J Tx with R2008SB Rx. Running S.bus setup Follow manual setup assistant and calibrate Tx. But it suppose stop motors - After CSC and if I don't push throttle after motor start. This also leads F550 cannot hold fix height if I take off...
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    Naza falls out of the sky... Attitude Mode / Intelligent cut off problem

    I am having control problem with my F550 as well. It wont hold height. I notice in intelligent mode, it wont cut motor below 10% within 3sec without push power. I follow everything in manual, calibration Radio, compass, Tx everything centre - trim and in aeroplane mode...
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    F550 Hover

    Even I go back to yesterday setting - Turn off Gimbal and Lipro. Calibration compass. Still NO Good!
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    F550 Hover

    I have F550 stock package. I have problem of holding fix height by itself. Setting: intelligent cut off , Lipo protection: On, Gimbal : On Then somehow, I reset everything - include assistant reinstall and I turn Lipo protection - OFF, Gimbal -...
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    Naza acting very strange.

    I have problem of my F550 with everything stock setup. It just wont hold height. Cut off type: intelligent Gimbal: OFF Lipo Protection: OFF I notice when I engaged the motor, motor suppose stop if no power add within 3 sec. But this does not happen to me! Some how I re install assistant...
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    DJI Service Bulletins

    Did couple test today...problem comes back! 1 flight: turn on lipo protection and camera gimbal on - System does not work. height cannot hold and motor will not stop in 3sec after startup 2 flight: turn off lipo protection and camera gimbal on - system does not work. Both time I...
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    naza gps mounting

    Thank you kloner. I assume I can just use my dji Naza controller, motors & esc. Looking at the site here, frame only is $74.95. Or do I need anything else to convert my F550 ?
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    naza gps mounting

    Would anyone share with me where good place to buy the Discovery frame. I have F550, like to build new one with FPV gear. Many thanks!
  20. F

    Is there a way to test a suspected dead GPS\Compass?

    Just did another flight..My conclusion: 1. Need to calibrate compass everytime after connect to assistant. 2. I notice after calibration ( when the system works - after engage motor ( intelligent mode ) it will cut motor if I dont increase power within 3sec ) But before, it will just keep...