Hoverfly Redudancy of HFP on octos..


Redundancy of your OCto with HFP

Hey guys have you ever try the redundancy with your hfp and an Octo???
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Drone Enthusiast
OOOh, you got my attention! I have an octo with the HFP but no motors out yet. Bart did have some issues with an esc and apparently brought the beast down quickly. others say it depends on what happens as there are multiple situations. If a prop breaks it mat break adjacent props as well. If you try taking a prop off and it flies that doesnt mean the same thing as a motor going out mid flight. Not sure why but thats what the masses keep saying.


The difference between taking a prop off and flying as opposed to having a motor/prop/esc in flight is that you are prepared to handle the flight if you take off with a prop off but in flight you might be in the middle of a banked turn or turning quickly or some other maneuver and will take a moment to work out why the octo isnt responding correctly before reacting. It might also be windy or the sun might be in your eyes when it happens. The external variables mean you wont always be able to land safely.


I lost a motor while flying forward (twice) with one of my front motor's ESC failing.

I got some porpoising and I realised what had happened so I descended for a good landing. All quite controllable - but it was pretty light. If your weigh is up, I suspect it will remain controllable but you will want to come down straight away as is handles like a pig!

No matter what... better loose one on a octo that a hexa!!!

