old style x8?


Drone Enthusiast
If you look closely at the pic of the x8 right below the video fo the mktr you will see the x8 in the pic has motors close in on the arms for the tops and further out on the bottoms. I am curious if most flight controllers would accomodate this configuration in X8 mode. Anyone know? Seems this would be a good way to avoid the one downside of a coaxial heli....dirty air.



WE had some discussion in another thread on this setup, I don't think the flight controller will care much about this setup. As long it supports standard X8 it will work with this configuration.
But really the question is does this configuration has any advantage? I do not see any advantage and really the coax is not as bad as many believe it to be but you need to follow certain rules...
See here: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1600584
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with that set-up you lose a major benefit of the X8 which is (nearly) zero torque applied to the arms from the rotation of the props.

interesting read in the referenced thread. a lot of speculation but interesting nonetheless.
