Wanted Looking for someone to cut a few parts from carbon fiber


I have designed some parts which I had a buddy cut from G10. I would now like to have some of the same parts cut but from carbon fiber. I am mostly going for an increase in rigidity along with weight reduction. I can provide .dxf files and have the cf sheet sent to you. It would just be a single run with a few copies of a couple parts.




Did you find a guy to cut parts.
I work at a place where there is a few large CNC router's.
I do not think it would cost very much since you have the file's.
We use bobcad there.


Thanks to both for posting you offers! This project has been on the side burner because of other commitments and the tweaking of some of the parts. The problem is that I don't work in CAD software, I design it all in Adobe Illustrator and then send it to a buddy who converts it to CAD. Not even really sure if imports it or just recreates it all. I have sent him some design tweaks but he hasn't had time to get to (were both grad students).

How difficult is it to convert from illustrator to cad? What would you charge for this service if you even offer it?

Hopefully getting to this in the next month or so. I will definitely send out what I want done to the 4 contacts I have now and see what I quoted.




Drone Enthusiast
I have no problem importing an .AI file into my CAD program. Sometimes you just need to make sure the units are correct and there are also double lines where you have anything more than a 1 point line.
