Plastic or wooden props?

95% props need balancing, even the ones that say that are prebalanced.

Wooden props are usually less flexible and lighter than plastic. The props provide less impact ressistant but do not become brittle with low temps.


Drone Enthusiast
I like the fact that wood props dont flex as much which makes for a better descent and more predictable flight. having said that, i still use Graupners and APCs. :)


oh i love the wooden props i have , im just sad that my flight times are crap with them, putting them on seems to suck off 2-3min .


Drone Enthusiast
Does anyone know what the equivalent of the APC thins are in relation to a Slowfly? I want to try them out but not sure if I bump it up 1 inch since they are thin or get the same size? I am basically looking for something larger than the Graupner 11x5's. Why cant they make a damn 12" prop in L and R? They would sell like hot cakes.
