DX 8 telemetry


Merlin of Multirotors
Anyone using a DX8 and the built in telemetry data on a multicopter? Seems like that kind of feature in a radio would be useful for anyone that isn't going to have a downlink TX with an OSD module.



Drone Enthusiast
Yep!.. got pack voltage and temp.. for what good that is!
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Drone Enthusiast
Not sure I would be going down the Spektrum route. I had a serious crash today busting my new HiSite II mount and snapping a landing leg. The DX8 crashed!! cant explain it in any other way.. ADX was to low for the TX loss to kick in to bring her down.. (I need to look at this more). When I tried to disarm the motors I saw my DX8 screen was blank.. then after a couple of desperate left stick movements to try and disable the motors it came back to life.. I cant tell you how my perfectly planned day was trashed.. GGGGGGGrrrrrrrrrr. :mad::mad::confused::mad:


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That's a pain...........had a mishap myself and it's occuring too frequently. I have a Futaba 9C with a Spektrum DM8 Module and I lost a Rx signal which puts the UAVX into failsafe. I was retreating rearward at about 30ft at the time of the loss. Gladly, my homemade suspension system earned its keep but it flipped over slowly resulting in a stripped servo gear on the camera mount. This has been the third such occurance in as many months, thinking maybe there is a current problem to the Rx. I have heard of some cases of signal loss with Spektrum and this problem has been alleviated with a booster of some sort as far as I can recall.
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No shortage of power on that one................. I would check out your DX8 power, leads and connections. The fact that it was dead and came to life with some stick stirring suggests it may be a loose connection. If all appears OK with the battery, leads and connections then I would get it back to the supplier for a ?????

I feel your pain..........was looking forward to your findings. This hobby is fraught with frustration, imagine been on a paying shoot with a client onsite. Pays to have a second platform or back up TX to use especially if the weather is right.


That's a pain...........had a mishap myself and it's occuring too frequently. I have a Futaba 9C with a Spektrum DM8 Module and I lost a Rx signal which puts the UAVX into failsafe. I was retreating rearward at about 30ft at the time of the loss. Gladly, my homemade suspension system earned its keep but it flipped over slowly resulting in a stripped servo gear on the camera mount. This has been the third such occurance in as many months, thinking maybe there is a current problem to the Rx. I have heard of some cases of signal loss with Spektrum and this problem has been alleviated with a booster of some sort as far as I can recall.

I can't seem to find the thread but I've seen the MK being modified for 4 satellite receivers. This should solve that problem of signal loss unless there's something inherently wrong with the MK.


Merlin of Multirotors
Sorry to hear that Dave, knock on wood I haven't had a bad crash with the Hexa though I've stood helplessly while watching the Hoverfly quad fall out of the sky in it's previous frame thanks to some firmware glitches, that happened more than once and twice I had the FPV goggles on which gave it a rather interesting perspective :mad:

Things like loss of signal with just the little satellite RX worried me greatly once the cost of the Hexa got up to the "I'd rather not think about what this whole rig cost" range, so installed a diversity board and added two more satellite RX's shortly after swapping to a JR 11X radio. Thankfully it's been problem free to this point with the extra radio bits on the Hexa, you may want to look into the diversity board once you get the airframe back together.



Drone Enthusiast
I guess we have to expect these things happen! I was so made coz I wanted to do so much yesterday and the weather was perfect. I did get quite a bit of video but not what I wanted. I will edit some now and get it up today.

A couple things about the DX8 and spektrum. There is a product bulletin out for the DX8 look on the Horizon page. Mine had the certain Pid # that could cause problems with the vibration feature. I sent mine in and they paid for shipping and the repair. Doesn't sound like this is what happened with you guys but it's worth taking a look. Also where you guys in Position Hold and using FPV? I lost signal with my Hexa before with my DX7. It started beeping and going into controlled decent. Thankfully I was high enough where my radio reset and I regained control before it hit the ground. Apparently a Low frequency filter is needed for both to work properly all the time. I plan on buying one as I'm going to have to do a lot more FPV for upcoming projects. Sorry to hear about your issues, I've flown my DX8 on a couple different things all with out issue. The Hexa, my foamie, and my blade MSR and never had any issues....knock on wood.
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Drone Enthusiast
I am sure its something to do with the battery pack. Since the crash I have noticed that the displayed voltage will drop b y quite a lot very quickly then come back up? I am going to get it sent back but I doubt they will admit there is a problem with them. Its now annoying that you cannot just use rechargables and you are stuck to the Spektrums own packs, we only have the Nicad in the uk as all the Lipos seem to be gobbled up by the states!!

RedHot pearl are you going to post up some more of you work vids?

I haven't done any in a while for a client. We have several coming up though starting in a month or so or when the weather is good enough. I'm sort of scrambling to get the this MKTR mount to where it delivers a usable product but I'm not sure it's the workhorse I was hoping for and the weather now is not great for testing. I will post some stuff though for sure when we in production again.


Drone Enthusiast
From the very short period of time I have had the HiSiteII I know it aint up to what I need... BUT just got conformation of a NEW SERIES DroidWorx ProMini that I may have by the weekend.. that makes last weeks purchase redundant, although I may keep it as a spare for my Gaui platform.. but saying that the gimbal I have on my Gaui is better than the HiSite anyway.. Think it is down to my servo choice though. Even though I had a disastrous crash at the weekend at the start of my testing I did manage to patch everything up and got some interesting comparisons between the GoPro and my Lumix TZ10 on the video front. I am working away from home at the moment but when I get back I will start a thread of comparison shots in all lighting conditions. Last weekend I got a good comparison in low constant light.
Ill wait to see what the weekend brings but the crocuses are just about to bloom over here so I am hoping to get some footage of them in there various stages.. yawn... But I think it will be a good example.

Laters all



Merlin of Multirotors
From the very short period of time I have had the HiSiteII I know it aint up to what I need... BUT just got conformation of a NEW SERIES DroidWorx ProMini that I may have by the weekend..

Care to elaborate on the NEW SERIES Pro Mini? I know they've been working on the 360 degree pan feature as well as upgrading the servos yet again and I've been promised the upgraded bits as they come available, but haven't heard anything about a new series yet.



A couple things about the DX8 and spektrum. There is a product bulletin out for the DX8 look on the Horizon page. Mine had the certain Pid # that could cause problems with the vibration feature. I sent mine in and they paid for shipping and the repair. Doesn't sound like this is what happened with you guys but it's worth taking a look. Also where you guys in Position Hold and using FPV? I lost signal with my Hexa before with my DX7. It started beeping and going into controlled decent. Thankfully I was high enough where my radio reset and I regained control before it hit the ground. Apparently a Low frequency filter is needed for both to work properly all the time. I plan on buying one as I'm going to have to do a lot more FPV for upcoming projects. Sorry to hear about your issues, I've flown my DX8 on a couple different things all with out issue. The Hexa, my foamie, and my blade MSR and never had any issues....knock on wood.

Pretty sure my issues were as a result of 'brown outs' in fact there is video evidence from another Spektrum user simulating a 'brown out' which occured at 3.9 volts ? This is a bit disconcerting, I am going to fit one of these to see if it helps matters.


No FPV or PH for me, just decending slowly after initial trim and it was a fresh Lipo.



Drone Enthusiast
Pretty sure my issues were as a result of 'brown outs' in fact there is video evidence from another Spektrum user simulating a 'brown out' which occured at 3.9 volts ? This is a bit disconcerting, I am going to fit one of these to see if it helps matters.


No FPV or PH for me, just decending slowly after initial trim and it was a fresh Lipo.


Thats a good idea but it wont work with the MK system will it? as only the remote receiver is used.


Drone Enthusiast
Care to elaborate on the NEW SERIES Pro Mini? I know they've been working on the 360 degree pan feature as well as upgrading the servos yet again and I've been promised the upgraded bits as they come available, but haven't heard anything about a new series yet.


I have tried to upload the info but think the PDF's are to big.. PM me with your email and I'll send um over.




I think this might interest you guys, this is from MK.de forum:

While explaining the issue with Horizon/Spektrum in Germany the Service Manager i spoke to suggested that using the DX8 satellite with the MK, either with or with out the diversity board, wasn't something he would particularly recommend.

As i understand it, this satellite module may (infrequently) need to communicate with the main receiver module - which obviously isn't present in the MK application.

We spoke to them in Nürnberg last month and they said the same. They don't recommend the sattellite of the DX8 in our application
And it doesn`t look like they want to support us. We tried to get a "normal" receiver with PPM-sum-signal - but no interrest from their side.

In Deutsch:
Wir haben in Nürnberg mit Spektrum gesprochen und die sagten auch, dass man den DX8 Satelliten nicht alleine am MK verwenden kann.
Angeblich soll der "irgendwann" die Funkverbindung trennen und den Empfang verlieren - keine Ahnung ob das stimmt, aber das war nunmal die Aussage...

In den alten Empängern war das nicht so
Das einzige was geht ist, einen alten Empfänger nebst altem Satelliten an die DX8 zu binden.
(Gemischt neu und alt geht nicht)

Wir haben versucht, einen "normalen (servo-)Empfänger" mit Summensignal zu bekommen, aber die scheinen bislang nicht interessiert zu sein.


Great! Just GREAT! That is the exact set up I use! Is it just the AR8000 receiver satellite that can cause issues or is it the whole DX8 set up? I've not noticed anything weird with the set up I have but this makes me very nervous. Did they say if it had to do with the AR8000 being DSMX?


It is AR8000 yes, older types don't have this problem. You would have to bind also with an older main-transmitter because they are not compatible.
