This is by no means the only way to configure a quad, or even the SnapQuad, so consider these guidelines. Aiming for this to be a bit of a step-by-step guide of how I am doing it, and this will hopefully give people new to MRC's a place to start.
The Great Shopping List of Doom!
SnapQuad Frame $57.99 (free worldwide shipping!)
KKMulticopter DIY Kit v6 £25.00 (Currently Out of Stock, check the resellers and classifieds)
Hobby King 401B Gyro $11.99 (QTY 3 - Not required if you purchase a complete KKcontroller board)
Props APC are on the whole better balanced, break less often and are more efficient. EPPs are cheap, pick up a set of both initially to see if you can run with them.
CW+CCW Pair 10x47 APC Props $8.50 (QTY 2 - Minimum, buy spares!)
CW+CCW 10x45 EPP Props $4.50 (QTY 2 - Minimum, buy spares!)
Motor + Speed Controllers
Hobbyking SS Series 25-30A ESC $9.23 (QTY 4)
Turnigy 2217 20turn 860kv 22A Outrunner $14.04 (QTY 4)
TURNIGY BESC Programming Card $6.95 (QTY 1 - Stops you having to program the ESC's with your sticks, almost as necessary as the ESCs themselves
Power and Radio Gear
Turnigy 9X 9Ch Transmitter w/ Module & 8ch Receiver (Mode1) (Mode2) $53.79 (QTY 1 - Mode Differences buy the one that seems logical/you already know/in stock you can change the T9X between modes easily, and TBH this is all the TX a beginner will ever need)
ZIPPY Flightmax 5000mAh 3S1P 25C $33.16 (QTY 1 - Buy more! - Rule of thumb Capacity(mAh)*Discharge rate(C)=Amps you can draw. This should be greater than the combined max amps if your motors)
Turnigy 2S 3S Balance Charger. Direct 110/240v Input $11.44 (QTY 1 - You can get fancy as you like, but I found the value and not needing a separate DC "wall wart" a bonus)
Misc Items As I think of things you may need I will update this list. Saves any gotchas. Mostly from eBay.
XT60 Connectors for battery and ESC connections
14AWG Silicon coated wire - get red and black for + and - connections.
Battery Strap, or DIY it with some velcro/rubber bands/elastic bungies/etc
Lipo Battery Low Voltage Alarm
Pics and build diary will hopefully start soon, once everything starts arriving. I hope the more experienced quad flyers out there will also contribute to this thread, I would love this to be something of a "n00bs guide" which will give people an "RTF" that doesn't break the bank.
The Great Shopping List of Doom!
SnapQuad Frame $57.99 (free worldwide shipping!)
KKMulticopter DIY Kit v6 £25.00 (Currently Out of Stock, check the resellers and classifieds)
Hobby King 401B Gyro $11.99 (QTY 3 - Not required if you purchase a complete KKcontroller board)
Props APC are on the whole better balanced, break less often and are more efficient. EPPs are cheap, pick up a set of both initially to see if you can run with them.
CW+CCW Pair 10x47 APC Props $8.50 (QTY 2 - Minimum, buy spares!)
CW+CCW 10x45 EPP Props $4.50 (QTY 2 - Minimum, buy spares!)
Motor + Speed Controllers
Hobbyking SS Series 25-30A ESC $9.23 (QTY 4)
Turnigy 2217 20turn 860kv 22A Outrunner $14.04 (QTY 4)
TURNIGY BESC Programming Card $6.95 (QTY 1 - Stops you having to program the ESC's with your sticks, almost as necessary as the ESCs themselves
Power and Radio Gear
Turnigy 9X 9Ch Transmitter w/ Module & 8ch Receiver (Mode1) (Mode2) $53.79 (QTY 1 - Mode Differences buy the one that seems logical/you already know/in stock you can change the T9X between modes easily, and TBH this is all the TX a beginner will ever need)
ZIPPY Flightmax 5000mAh 3S1P 25C $33.16 (QTY 1 - Buy more! - Rule of thumb Capacity(mAh)*Discharge rate(C)=Amps you can draw. This should be greater than the combined max amps if your motors)
Turnigy 2S 3S Balance Charger. Direct 110/240v Input $11.44 (QTY 1 - You can get fancy as you like, but I found the value and not needing a separate DC "wall wart" a bonus)
Misc Items As I think of things you may need I will update this list. Saves any gotchas. Mostly from eBay.
XT60 Connectors for battery and ESC connections
14AWG Silicon coated wire - get red and black for + and - connections.
Battery Strap, or DIY it with some velcro/rubber bands/elastic bungies/etc
Lipo Battery Low Voltage Alarm
Pics and build diary will hopefully start soon, once everything starts arriving. I hope the more experienced quad flyers out there will also contribute to this thread, I would love this to be something of a "n00bs guide" which will give people an "RTF" that doesn't break the bank.
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