Hello from Sydney Australia


Hi All. I just joined the forum and thought Id say Hello.

I've been flying RC on and off since 1976 but only got into multirotors last October after watching some excellent videos on rcexplorer.se. I had some past experience with RC helicopters so I build a tricopter based on the plans on that website and fitted it with a KK board. After some practice I added a GoPro camera and have been having a ball ever since.

Just last week I ordered a Flamewheel 450 Quad kit with the new DJI Naza which arrived yesterday. I had it built and programmed within a few hours and although I've only had a chance to give it a quick test, it appears to be super stable and I like the altitude hold option. This weekend I'll fit the GoPro and see how it handles.




Greetings from 600km South (Albury NSW). I've got myself an Xaircraft x650v8 with the first release flight controller gear. I payed them for a half price upgrade as they launched it while my item was shipping, and it arrived yesterday. Instead of putting in the V2 gear, I've completely disassembled my heli, and have a Hexa frame arriving today. I'll make 2 motors and ECS's redundant emergency backups, and get my hexa flying with the new gear tonight. I was almost ready to buy a NAZA, but would have needed to upgrade the ESC's, so stuck with XA FC.
Looking forward to some videos from your Flamewheel.


hi Ian,

I'm sydney, too. I got a couple of quads and one octo so if you feel like having a fun fly together, let me know.


Hi Dozer, Yes I believe the Naza is a bit critical on the ESC's at present which is why I bought the whole kit.

I recorded a video late yesterday. This thing is so stable and the altitude hold makes it easy to roam and explore. Sorry about the water and the leaf on the lens.

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Hi Dozer, Yes I believe the Naza is a bit critical on the ESC's at present which is why I bought the whole kit.

I recorded a video late yesterday. This thing is so stable and the altitude hold makes it easy to roam and explore. Sorry about the water and the leaf on the lens.

Impressive. I think this is going to the answer to my problems (getting a NAZA FC)

Thanks for the video, it looks very stable, and no camera stabilisation eh?
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No, there was no additional stabilization (at this stage). I mounted the GoPro to the front tab of the flame wheel's base plate (I positioned the tabs as fore/aft rather than side to side as some do). For vibration suppression I use a section of rubberized tubing designed for thermal pipe insulation (from the plumbing section of the local hardware shop). Its a very gooey rubbery foam that absorbs vibrations very well. I placed a section under the GoPro mount then cable tied the mount to the tab on the flame wheel's base plate. I also placed a strip of the same foam under the cable ties so they couldn't transfer vibration to the GoPro mount. The result is no jello and a nice sharp image (especially when the lens is dry).

For COG balance I mounted the battery across the rear tab on the base plate and the result is a neat and balanced package.

I'll take a photo tonight and post it (although this should all probably be in the DJI thread).


Photos below of the GoPro camera mounted on the DJI Flamewheel Quad. Its only a temporary mount but it works well. The empty top plate leaves room for FPV equipment.
The eventual plan is to hang the camera below the frame on a tilt/only gimbal controlled by the Naza. To me, roll is part of the flying experience so Im not planning on eliminating it through the camera mount (yet).:friendly_wink:

Also included is a photo of the plumber's thermal pipe insulation which does a good job of reducing vibration.:tennis:

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Hey Ian,
I'm ex-Nowra but living in New Zealand. Complete RC newbie but part-time science and mountain film-maker looking to learn to fly and get a GoPro in the air over the next few years. Keen to see how your GoPro goes with the Naza!


Hi mickos

Welcome to the world of RC. If there is an RC club nearby Id suggest you have a chat to them as they'll help you enormously.

I'll keep you updated on my experiences with the Naza but I'm a long way behind some of the wonderful flight videos I've seen on YouTube.



Hi Piccoloflyer

Yes I've flown there a few times now - mainly after work during the week. I only discovered it recently. Would be interested to catch up there with you some time. Ive seen a couple of people down there with fixed wing models but no other quads so far.

My flamewheel has been significantly upgraded since I first flew it and is now fully FPV with two cameras and a GPS OSD system.

Ian do you fly you framewheel in that big park at Ermington? I have F550 with WKM and FYtech Y6 scorpion manly used for FPV


Sounds good. I'll PM you with my mobile number. SMS when youre going down to the park and if I'm free I'll join you.

very nice setup, I cant see much vibration and very stable, did you film it in manual mode or atti mode? very smooth flying, we have the same goggle, next time I should be able to see through my goggle.


Its pretty well balanced and the Graupner props help with that. I do most of my FPV flying in Atti mode mainly because Im lazy. I fly in manual mode sometimes from the ground though just for the practice. Your Y6 scorpion looks and sounds pretty formidable. How do you find it for vibration with all those props and motors to balance. I have a Tricopter as well but mainly fly the F450 because it has all the FPV gear fitted.

I loved your Sydney harbour video and nice flying. Looks like Berrys bay. I havent been brave enough to fly over water yet.

Are you using the 5.8 GHz receiver in the goggles? Its mainly for use as a short range link to a ground station so its not very sensitive, but its OK for park flying. I generally use the Foxtech RC503 receivers and they give far greater range than the goggles alone.

where did you get your Graupner prop? I used APC 1047 on my Y6, but DJI motor on F550 wont fit, so I ordered Graupner props from UK, have to wait 2 weeks.
