Flying in snow with Naza


Merlin of Multirotors
Thursday night I threw together a bigger frame to put a Naza on, it's built out of spare bits I had hanging around. The Naza I borrowed from the small APV quad, frame is one of Rusty's Rev8 that originally was the Y6 I flew the WKM on and later the flat hex used with the same controller. Motors are Avroto, props my usual Graupners, 11 x 5 in this case, and the ESCs are the cast off DYS with reflashed firmware from the CS6, now flashed yet again with the latest version which fixes the bug that caused the CS to crash and a new throttle calibration routine included. I had intended to hang a GoPro 2 axis mount under it but the landing gear proved ot be a little too short so I just drilled a hole in the top plate and bolted the GoPro case to it. It not as sturdy as I'd like and consequently it does get a little jello at times but this is mainly a beater to fly for fun so it will probably stay this way.

Here's what it looks like...


And here's how it flys in the snow...

I put some short LED strips under each arm so it's easy to spot in the sky and it also makes a great night flyer.

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Formerly DJIUSA

Looks good.

All our snow here in Michigan this morning is gone and its 50F. Crazy winter or lack of this year.


New Member
all the snow here in South africa where i live think it snow last in the 1950's so i have never before hold snow in my hand and it seems like you guys over there cant get enouth off it.


all the snow here in South africa where i live think it snow last in the 1950's so i have never before hold snow in my hand and it seems like you guys over there cant get enouth off it.

Well, not everywhere over here. :) I never saw real snow until my teens. Here was my view yesterday:

View attachment 2270

Sorry, couldn't resist. :highly_amused: :)

-- Gary


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Sorry about that, Pete. I guess my terminology was incorrect. Honestly I've heard it both ways. Maybe the 4.7's will work for you.


I think you want to get 10 x 3.8. The reason I'm saying this is I have an F450 on the way and decided to use 8" props. It comes with 8 x 4.5 props but was told to get 8 x 3.8 because that's what's available. The same for the 10". It comes with 10 x 4.5 but they sell 10 x 3.8 or 10 x 4.7. Guess it could be a toss of the coin.
