hexa / Y6 motor redudancy


Faced with the prospect of investing in a Med/heavy lifter. I wonder if a hexa or Y6 could offer any motor redundancy, when I say this I mean the ability to navigate to a safe area and land in a semi controlled fashion that might save the rig and payload.

Would appreciate any thoughts on this.




Some people have been able to land a Hexa if a problem occurs but I have had 2 problems and crashed both times. I did have a prop break on a Y6 as well as a X8 and both of those I could land.


Merlin of Multirotors
The only proven configurations that can withstand loss of a motor in flight are the flat octo, and the coaxial Y6 and X8. On a standard flat hex in certain circumstances it may be possible to land successfully on loss of a motor but that assumes a light enough weight that 5 motors can sustain flight along with a very proficient pilot at the controls. In a best case scenario a flat hex will still fly but more than likely lose most if not all yaw control so you wind up in a situation similar to loss of the tail rotor on an RC heli. Problem here is you can't just hit throttle hold and auto-rotate down to the ground like you can with the heli, you will have to fly the multi down while its rotating around the Z axis, possible but certainly not easy and more of a controlled crash than a landing.

