Camera control....???


I haven't come across any information on camera control...... I'm starting to understand a bit about fpv , video, gimbals and flight control systems and how they interact....
but is anyone taking stillshots(not timed) and zooming or other camera functions via remote.... if so, how is this achieved?... Can this achieved?

cheers Paul.

It will dependon what you have, Phatom 2 with stock cameras can control cameras with applications at the Iphone. Systems custom made mostly are timed photos. Other High ends systems like the ones with Canon, Sony NEX etc. can control cameras shutter with specialized controls

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
All depends on what system you have. I can take stills via a switch but can't adjust other settings. No need really as you just set it manually on the ground. You'll soon learn what settings you need by practise.
