Deans or not?


Spiralling out of control
I've always found it quite hard to solder Deans connectors but have always used them. I had one fail on me just recently and was thinking of changing, Is there better connector out there I wonder?



Welcome to!!
fwiw, i'm still using deans plugs but have mostly the chinese copies now. the original deans connectors are difficult to pull apart with their smooth outer surface.
to solder i tin the wire then the connector and while they're both hot I just melt the wire down into the tab by stacking the wire onto the tab and pushing down with the solder iron. i use a pair of needle nose with an elastic band on the handle to clamp the connector and a small spring clamp to hold the wire. takes little time and the connection is solid.
i can see the lack of enthusiasm with Deans connectors but I can't see myself replacing them for little overall gain.


Drone Enthusiast
I bought a bag of chinese deans connectors thinking there was no difference. But when i went to solder them i realized the difference! On real Dean's connectors the plastics can hold up to the heat of soldering them without melting. The chinese plastic instantly melts and as the tab holds a fair amount of heat it will mis align the 2 halves unless you put them together while soldering.


Drone Enthusiast
I switched completely to those
Take more current than deans or xt and i got sick of the deans sometimes fitting smoothly other times a big fiddle. Little to long heat when soldering the whole thing is deformed etc.

Maybe 4mm would have been the better choice. They also carry enough current and most of the nano tech lipos from HK that i use already come with these plugs.
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Spiralling out of control
Interesting stuff, I must have the Chinese copy's because they do seem to distort when hot. I like the look of the XT 60's, thanks for your reply's.


I'm running Deans copies on everything but the 6S + 12S helis (EC3's as that's what Align used).
The last batch I got are ribbed for better grip (minds out of the gutter boys!). The trick with soldering them is using a small vice to keep it still, tin them first and have a WET sponge on hand to cool it every time after you touch it with the iron.


Have you looked at the Anderson PowerPole connectors? It's professional quality stuff. I used Deans for many years but after I was made aware of the APP connectors I liked them so much I switched everything I have to them.

