My New Flamewheel F-550 Build


So I out grew my Blade 350QX... Did some research... compared the research of what I wanted with my wallet and settled with this.

Naza M V2
4 Cell 5800mah Battery
9.4inch props
E300 balanced motor/esc combo
iOSD mini
Can hub
Zenmuse H3-3D
Fat Shark Attitude V2
Immersion RC 600mw Video TX
Areoxcraft Landing Gear
Red, Green, White and Blue ultra bright LED strips with RC switch
DX-8 (DX-9 in August)

Weight with battery is 2503g








Here are the LEDs Front White Rear Blue Right Red Left Green

Had my maiden flight last weekend... Flew like a dream... The H3-3D Gimbal was VERY smooth.

Flight Times:

Pack 1 13:30
pack 2 14.15

I LOVE this bird

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Looks great. Nice job on the clean cables and organization. Do your motors get hot with 4S and those 9.4 props? Also great choice on the aeroxcraft landing gear. I love mine. Lets me get a great CG.


Motors & ESCs have never gotten hot (I feel each one after every flight every time) even lifting 2503G!!!

AeroXcraft gear are nice.


They are VERY heavy!!!! The web site claims that they are 170g... That is total BS!!!!!!
Mine weighed in at 272g!!!!
When I questioned the manufacture, I was told It is 170g without the metal parts or battery straps installed!!!!!!! that means no gimbal or counter weighted battery which kind of defeats the purpose of the gear!!!
They should be much more honest with their clients and state this on their web site!!!!
Being off by over 100g could really mess up a build!!!!



Very nice job. Really well done. I have similar set up . With all the stuff I have put on I'm up 150g more then you I thought I made mistake in my choice of batteries . I opted for a very heavy Max amps battery 9000mah xl Dam thing is a brick way over kill. But after using it for a while I have to say it works really nice . with about 2650g total weight I get 17min of flight time
When she come's down I always feel motors and battery ( I push it hard sometime's) only feel a little warm I was flying the other day when the wind was gusting to about 30mph
Don't know what it is maybe the weight but I could punch it come to a complete stop and would just hover not moving more then a foot of so in all that wind. Maxamps states this battery is rated for the F550 but just add a few things and your over the 2404G I think that's what DJI has for take off max weight I'm well above that and it takes off like a rocket. . Not sure about those E300 props.
I might go back to the Graupner props . I know that will screw up the whole purpose of the E300 system but they give me a better feeling of confidence


New Member
First off, nice work...very clean build.

Thinking of adding the AeroXcraft landing gear to my F550 and also looking at building a case for it. How tall is your 550 with the landing gear installed? I'm interested in the height from the floor to the top of the props. I've got a folding GPS bracket so I only need to clear the props. Thanks!
