Hoverfly Beginner needs Mr. Wizard!


New Member
Here is the long story...
I am a high school teacher with NO experience in flying machines. I have an after school group that meets once a week to build robotic stuff...water, land....trying air.
Last year we bought a carbon fiber KarbonicX frame and all of the required hardware. I got an OpenPilot board with it....Never was able to get it to fly. Decided to try and make things a little simpler this year and got a HoverFly Sport board. With some trials and tribulations, finally we have it together, reprogrammed the ESCs (Cobra) along with Cobra motors. Have the Spektrum DX8 Transmitter.
Finally this week we got it operational...I guess sort of.
If I throttle up, I got straight into yaw, and sometimes clockwise, sometimes counter clockwise. If I juice it and actually take off, it spins and will go either right or left and crash.
Any help is VERY WELCOMED and if anyone is in the Newport, Rhode Island area and wants to lend some experience to this situation, that would be most welcomed as well!
Hey, I'm just a science teacher trying to inspire kids...



Smartass answer...Don't throttle up....LOL

Make sure you have the correct rotation on the motors based on what the controller is expecting. This will cause havoc and mayhem. If you have a way to hang the multirotor on a supportive wire/string/rope this can help debugging flight issues without crashing. kind of like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvame7QLWbo


New Member
OK, I will look at the video and see what I can do. I did put the appropriate props on the appropriate motors....according to directions, but I guess that is not necessarily what the controller expects. I did check to see that the air flow was going down when props were spinning....


The motor directions are not controlled by the flight controller. The direction is determined by the way the ESC's are connected to the motors. You need to find out in the flight controller documentation which rotation is expected on each of the ESC connections. I looked at the directions for the hoverfly sport and the motor directions are pictured. Make sure the rotations are like the picture.
I'm assuming you have the manual, this is where I found it. https://hoverflytech.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201627126-HoverflySPORT-User-Guide
View attachment 18551


  • hoverfly motor directions.JPG
    hoverfly motor directions.JPG
    87 KB · Views: 288


New Member
well that was a big DUH moment. Yes, I had followed some generic directions from the first attempt and had the 2 sets of motors spinning in the wrong CW / CCW directions by the document/ pictures you posted Toymaker. So changed that and the props that go with the correct direction and had a couple successful lift offs. Now I/We need to learn to actually fly it, but this was a huge step forward.
Many Thanks Toymaker!
I will keep this topic open as we move forward, as I am sure to have more questions, but that was a big hurdle!


I am new also at this Hobby/Sport. Almost have all my parts in to build my F-450. Every little bit of info from these pros helps trememdously. I still have many questions to ask and am posting them as I run into issues that I do not understand.

And I am sure that they have answered these questions of ours hundreds of times... Thanks guys.



New Member
Yes, I am sure Gene. This is very challenging for newbys, and the pros sure are nice to share things. Some things just didn't make sence...but it is coming together. I was psyched to actually see mine launch today! It has been a long road!....now it will be the learn to fly curve....


It is like learning a new language Scott... :)


Yes, I am sure Gene. This is very challenging for newbys, and the pros sure are nice to share things. Some things just didn't make sence...but it is coming together. I was psyched to actually see mine launch today! It has been a long road!....now it will be the learn to fly curve....
