First flight + Questions


Received my Storm Drone 6 from Helipal (which, I'm totally amazed between them and DHL) this evening. Had a few bumps along the way, but overall it's been a positive experience.

Took it on my first flight and it was amazing. Smooth. Flew great with 0 problems. No pictures because it was dark and you couldn't really see.

However, there a couple lingering issues.

1. I bought a Tarot T-2d Gimbal. Trying to assemble, but don't have a nearly small enough driver of any sort to get the set screw (grub screw?) for the arm in. same things with the legs. Had to rig those on, and am probably going to get better ones in the future.
1a. Powering said gimbal. ASSumed it would have a connector but it's just the wires. Would a local hobby shop have a JST (I think that's what it is) type connector to put on there?

I guess I'll start there, for now. Once I get the gimbal, it's on to mounting the FPV equipment. Again, ASSumed all this would come put together since I ordered it all at once.
