Skyzone Goggles White Screen when receiving


Spinny Side Up
Hey all,

I seem to be having an issue with my SkyZone Goggles. The built in camera works great, and the image is fine in the goggles, however, when I switch over to the channel my Immersion RC 600mw Tx is outputting on, all I see is a pretty white screen. If I change the channel to an unused channel, I get varying degrees of static and white noise. I have tried multiple dip switch settings on the Immersion TX, with matched channels on the SkyZone's and every time I hit the correct channel, I see the white screen instead of my cam feed.

Can anyone tell me if this is a common or known issue on brand new SkyZone goggles? I have found other users with a similar issue on the FatSharks, claimed to be a LCD driver failure, but the built in camera is working like a charm! Is there another way to test without a second receiver? If it is the LCD driver, would the AV out to a TV still display good video feed from my camera?

Thanks in advance!


Spinny Side Up
You might need to change the Band....The Skyzone got 32 Channels, 8 channels for each Band, so there are 4 Bands.

This might explain it better:

Your Immersion TX only works on Band 4 (Airwave), but luckily the Skyzone Goggles can work on all 4 just have to switch it ....see your Skyzone Manual.


I have matched the channels already, as I described. I tried two separate Immersion frequencies on band 4, both resulting in the White Screen when I put the SkyZones on that channel as well. :-/


Active Member
The other possibility is that your wiring is somehow screwd up und your transmitter is simply on the right channel, but doesn't send any video....I had once a similar problem.....having a flat white screen without "noise" could mean you are on the right channel, but no video is transmitted.



Spinny Side Up
The other possibility is that your wiring is somehow screwd up und your transmitter is simply on the right channel, but doesn't send any video....I had once a similar problem.....having a flat white screen without "noise" could mean you are on the right channel, but no video is transmitted.

That sounds very probable. I will take a photo of my Cam and Video TX setup when I get home to share it for review. I have not tested the FPV camera on any other sources yet either, so that will be on the checklist.


If I recall, with the Immersion TX's, you have to switch a couple of the wires around, if your just plugging in the connector that comes on most of the cameras. I have 3 Immersion TX's in 3 of my quads. The 600mw works the best. However, I'm learning the hard way, $$$ that it all depends on the environment that your flying in, as to which antennas, and TX's work the best. I also have Skyzones, and Fat Shark Attitudes. I guess I'm going to bite the bullet, and build a receiver setup, on a stand, like I see many others doing, and pick up my video from there, wired to my goggles. Apparently works a lot better. I have a couple of different cameras on order, as I'm not real happy with the Fat Shark 5 volt types. Color comes and goes, and don't dare fly into the sun on a late afternoon! And probably after I get done spending a bundle on the 5.8, I'll have to try the 1.3 Too many trees, etc. where I'm flying.
It's VERY scarey to loose signal when your quad is not LOS. And a ***** to find, if you have to set it down, cause you lost video, and the camera is in the dirt!:upset:


Spinny Side Up
I did some further testing when I got home this afternoon, and it appears that my Goggles are defective...

Here are some pics of my setup, and what I see once I power on the Immersion TX on the correct channel, with AV out from the goggles. This is exactly what it looks like in the goggles as well. If I change channels or power off the TX, I Get the standard fly race static, but the built in camera is fine. :-(

View attachment 18119
View attachment 18120

Can anyone suggest some wires I can check internally, or an LCD driver part that may need to be replaced?


  • AV Out From SkyZone.jpg
    AV Out From SkyZone.jpg
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  • Video TX Setup.jpg
    Video TX Setup.jpg
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The camera, not the TX. The way you have it wired, should work, with a 5 volt camera. If the camera your using is 12 volt, you'll have to supply it with power from a 3c battery. I ran into the same problem with the first 12 volt camera I had.


Spinny Side Up
The camera, not the TX. The way you have it wired, should work, with a 5 volt camera. If the camera your using is 12 volt, you'll have to supply it with power from a 3c battery. I ran into the same problem with the first 12 volt camera I had.

The 5-15v spec was said to be for my camera, not TX; however, I will definitely check that out!


Spinny Side Up
OK, sorry, but it sounded just like what I went through with my first 12 volt camera, white screen and all.

I should know better than to question those with experience by now...

You were on the money, it just needed some more power. I am running it off my 4s at about 16v which is working just fine!

Thank you, Cootertwo! It is FPV time!


Spinny Side Up

All right! Now time to buy props!:)

Already ahead of you on that one, but I am only stocked up on 8045's. Would anyone strongly recommend 9's or 10's, and if so, for what reasons and benefits?

Also, since those reading this thread may have experience with OSD's as well, can anyone tell me if my Whitespy KV Team MinimOSD board is capable of putting out a good voltage reading for my A1 Telemetry input on my FrSky X8R Receiver (and how I may do that)? I have also ordered the correct voltage reader (FLD-02) for it but if I can have one less board on my multi, that would be fine by me.

Cheers all!
