I watch my iOSD voltage like a hawk and when I see my voltage around 19.8 I'm typically heading home. I keep my balance port voltage alarms at 3.6 and it gives me a pretty good heads up but they arent as trustworthy as telemetry and also knowing what you can typically get from your batteries safely. I also have a timer set on my transmitter to beep at me around 9 minutes. I consistently get 10 minutes out a loaded s800 and I'm over gross. My batteries always stabilize at 3.7+
I pushed it once this winter and got close to 13 minutes because my telemetry voltage looked good but when I put them back on the charger they were down around 10%. OOPS. probably decreased their life a bit there. That's why it's good to have standards and don't exceed them because you never know what to trust.
I don't use the voltage protection because I feel that its only useful for a multirotor airframe with no load (gimbal, camera). These suckers drop like a rock when heavy if it hits that pre-set lower limit.
In contrast, my un-weighted F550 gently descends when it hits the lower voltage protection limit.
If you are running your batteries in parallel then they are draining equally so you would have a rough idea by a timer, keep that in mind but if you had an alarm on a balance port you'd really know something was amiss when 5 minutes into a flight it's screaming at you. I'd recommend a quality one, the ones I have from HobbyKing are kinda junky. I landed tonight and it had voltages all over the place for my cells from 3.5 - 3.8. I plugged in another one and it gave me much more normal readings around 3.78. crazy
You're flying exactly like I did before i understood the capabilities. You're getting about 5-6 minutes I'd guess and youre probably stabilizing at landing between 3.78 and 3.83. What are you flying btw?
Look on the bright side, you're being really safe and conservative