Hello from Baton Rouge


New Member
Hello from South La. I'm a newbie again after years being away from RC flight. I saw the Amazon show on using drones to deliver packages and it got me wondering if there were drones for sale. When I started searching I found out there is a huge community out there and the tech is so cool. So I started looking for a drone kit. I went way overboard which usually happens with me. I ended up buying a Droidworx CX600. I bought the DJI A2 flight controls, GoPro, DJI H3-2D, both the video and data downlinks, the iOSD, and a Futaba 14SG. I've got it built up but have not flown it yet. I figured I'd be a little nervous about flying it with the dollars involved so I bought the DJI Mini 4 to start off. I got the DJI Naza Lite controls for it. I finally got it finished and have been flying it the last couple of days. It's been a blast. Next week I plan on getting the CX600 in the air. Can't wait!



Still Building!
Hi Wayne!!!!

Boy you DID get into the hobby FEET and HANDS first!!!!!!

I elected to go another route and am building my own quad now. I have been reading and reading for almost two months and have STILL not understood some of the basics!

I have a ton of experience flying in the real world but VERY limited experience flying when it comes to RC Multi rotors.......I started (and failed miserably) flying RC Helis in 2005-2006 and while I managed to get a few flights in, my flying job cut that FUN short. It was for the best I think....

Now I am trying to fly the multirotor stuff......I forgot to mention I flew Sailplanes in 86 thru 89 and had a BALL...but they were MUCH different than the "COMPUTERS" that are in the multirotors now. I am learning and learning and learning and learning....you get the picture I am sure...LOL

What I have found to be a blessing is the ability to get some "micro" quads....I purchased a Nano QX from the Local Hobby Store (LHS) for just under $70 bucks and have been flying the crud out of it and harassing my dogs and wife! It has helped me get some REALLY good situational awareness on "Nose in" flying. I stunk at that with my heli so this is really helping me get better.

You should be nervous about flying your expensive aircraft. If you weren't I would say you have more money than sense! The hobby is expensive.....as you already know.

There are great threads in the beginners section that should help you on your way. You can use a sim, you can use a "trainer" as I do (NANO QX), or you can take your own into the air!!!! The possibilities are endless!!! Unless your funds run out.....OUCH!

The best thing is that you are excited and having FUN! That is what it is all about!!!


Mike :)


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
Hello from South La. I'm a newbie again after years being away from RC flight. I saw the Amazon show on using drones to deliver packages and it got me wondering if there were drones for sale. When I started searching I found out there is a huge community out there and the tech is so cool. So I started looking for a drone kit. I went way overboard which usually happens with me. I ended up buying a Droidworx CX600. I bought the DJI A2 flight controls, GoPro, DJI H3-2D, both the video and data downlinks, the iOSD, and a Futaba 14SG. I've got it built up but have not flown it yet. I figured I'd be a little nervous about flying it with the dollars involved so I bought the DJI Mini 4 to start off. I got the DJI Naza Lite controls for it. I finally got it finished and have been flying it the last couple of days. It's been a blast. Next week I plan on getting the CX600 in the air. Can't wait!



You were a newbie! That's quite a dive you took into the deep end!

Welcome to the site and good luck with your first flights.



New Member


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Welcome WayneG. Pretty amazing stuff in and supporting your hangar. I got here from the "toy quad" path. Not as nerve wracking to put one of those little "toy" quads in the air, and as Mike posted great training tools for orientation. Good luck with your maiden CX600 flight. Post freely and often. Jay
