

lost soul
got to do a coupla minutes/laps on one of the new CY Stingrays at the Abilene TX heli fly in over the weekend. nice quad. different theory of operation from what the current norm is. One motor driving all 4 props with full collective control on all 4. not your same old naza flight. seriously doubt that any of the current crop of chinese controllers would be able to handle it, even if you don't try to fly it inverted like the system it comes with allows. it also will do all the standard heli 3D manouvers. wish i could. anyway, if ya get a chance to try one, go for it. kinda fun.


Mr take no prisoners!
Probably will not have a chance but all my heli's can already do standard 3D heli maneuvers, that is not why I also have quads and hexes.



New Member


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