Mikrokopter MK updates it FC: Flight-Ctrl 2.5 ME


"Usable up to 5000m" is related with the pressure sensor; it's not the waypoint radius of NaviCtrl.


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"Usable up to 5000m" is related with the pressure sensor; it's not the waypoint radius of NaviCtrl.

Interesting bit of news, thanks for posting it. i wonder how much of a step this is though, the ACC upgrade has already been incorporated (FC 2.2), 6S RECOMs were already an option in the MK wiki if you wanted to swap them out with the 4S ones yourself, LED's on the switching outputs is confusing, the new pressure sensor might help to make the altitude hold better (along with the FC 2.2 mod) so that's good

It'll be interesting to see if this is an interative step forward or a major step.

FWIW, regarding the 6S BL's, I'm using an abusemark I2c converter with 6S packs and Hobbywing ESC's and I've got the Gyro and GPS gains adjusted so that my XY8 is flying just as well as any of my prior ones with the MK BL's. Maybe a thread on gains values would be helpful.



Yes it's possible to modify FC2.2 for 6S but can you read the voltage of the batteries correctly? As far as I know you need to do some soldering in order to make it work properly with 6S. With FC 2.5ME, we won't need any soldering for proper 6S setup.

If I'm not mistaken, it will be much easier to use not only Abusermarks I2C converter but also Herkules III. For 6S Herkules III setup, MK FC 2.1/2.2 needs some modification on board. But now, it will be plug&play.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
Yes it's possible to modify FC2.2 for 6S but can you read the voltage of the batteries correctly? As far as I know you need to do some soldering in order to make it work properly with 6S. With FC 2.5ME, we won't need any soldering for proper 6S setup.

If I'm not mistaken, it will be much easier to use not only Abusermarks I2C converter but also Herkules III. For 6S Herkules III setup, MK FC 2.1/2.2 needs some modification on board. But now, it will be plug&play.

yes, that's true, all good points. but is it worth it to drop your old FC 2.1's if they're doing fine just for voltage readout? hmmmmmmmm.......<pondering>

i've actually got two of the ACC upgrade kits to install on my two MK heli's........hmmmmmmmm.....<pondering> :)
