Zenmuse IR LED Shutter... sometimes works, sometimes not



All day yesterday my shutter and video TX switch worked just fine.
Today, camera in, No auto shutter control. ARGHHHH.
This is not the first time this has happened but I have no idea what the problem could be to troubleshoot. Taking the camera in and out seems to be my only answer and fidgeting with the IR wire has worked in the past but never consistently. Feels like I've only ever gotten lucky.
Today, nothing. I must have pulled this cam out 20 times and re-connected the hdmi.

How would one go about checking if the IR LED is bad or even working at all? Is it visible light when it's activated? Knowing that might help me narrow it down.

Is it possible to just purchase a new IR LED panel and connect a new wire to the V2? I haven't seen that anywhere and it doesnt appear to come with the V2.

Hating this!

Part of my frustration stems from not knowing whether the HDMI connection cable has anything to do with it or not. Considering the the IR cable connects to the V2 separately, logically I would not think the HDMI cable to be suspect since it's only purpose seems to be for sending the cameras video signal. I also can't think of any way to test whether the IR board, light, or wire/connection is bad.
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Active Member
You should try in a room without too much light....a lot of people had troubles due to sunlight getting onto the IR LED....in that case some sort of shielding from cardboard or similar would help.



Chris, thanks I'll try it but i'm not optimistic.
Seems counter-intuitive to the fact that we all shoot in sunlight.
I'm just waiting for the DJI haters to jump in and say "see its all crap"
I so don't want to throw money at random parts that shouldn't be faulty in the place.


yeah no luck with the darker room.

does anyone know if the HDMI AV cable somehow controls whether the IR trigger works or not? My cable looks perfectly fine and I've always been ridiculously careful with it.

Still wondering how to test if the IR LED is bad.


Heli's & Tele's bloke
I always shield the IR led from sunlight. I use a small length of heatshrink (unshrunk!) cut at the top to form an open flap that covers the IR sensor window. You can test an IR led by operating whilst viewing it with a digital camera. The camera can see it 'lighting up'.


Unfortunately this thread has gotten me nowhere so I'll ask for an alternative. Anybody have thoughts on how and with what to replace the existing IR LED with?
I've seen the aftermarket IR shutters but not sure if its easy or possible to re-solder a connector to them to plug it directly into the V2 HDMI module. I wouldn't want to connect to receiver as it would limit the gimbal manuverability.
If I were to replace the existing IR led (de-solder it) where would i get a replacement IR led?

I can't believe this thing is so impossible to find. Robert from UAVProducts seems to be the only one that can get it (if i need it)

Its a "Shutter Control Module" people, I'd love your help.



Alright kids, prepare to learn a cool trick.... Thank you radio shack genius!!!

So I had no idea how I could troubleshoot my IR LED to know it if was getting power/functioning. I was preparing to build a $10 breadbox circuit to detect IR light when Mr Radio Shack told me that my PHONE CAMERA can see IR light! Holy #$%* really????? He demonstrated on his Samsung Note with a TV remote.
Done! I bought a new emitter for 4 bucks in case mine didn't work.

Proceeded to then take my bird over to a local hobby shop so I could ask a random question. dude proceeded to put a voltmeter on my Shutter Control Module.
Turns out.... I had power at the plug point but nothing at the IR light.
Could there be a problem with the circuit channel inside the board between the 2 connections? Would explain its sporadic behavior.
Turned out that the 2 pin connector on the board was making a bad connection. A quick re-solder job and shutter control is back in business. with a bigger IR emitter as well.

Your welcome :)
