Help Upgrading Naza M Firmware 3.16

So I thought this would go easy, but I guess not. I have been waiting a while to update due to the long GPS warm up time. I see that it has been improved and wanted to check it out.

This is what happens.

I made sure I had the latest DJI Driver. Downloaded and Installed no problems. Then I rebooted, to be safe.

Then I installed the new 2.16 software and rebooted to be safe.

I turned on my transmitter. Then I powered up my naza m and hooked my usb up to the naza m.

I open up the 2.16 software on my PC. and about 15 seconds in to it the software locks up on my PC.

What is going on? What do I need to do? What did I do wrong? Ideas? Suggestions?

Just for trying, I used an open model slot on my DX8 and bound my TX to The Receiver again. Same thing still happens.

Thank in advance

Okay. I figured it out. I had to remap my cables going from my receiver to my Naza. ... then reconfigure everything. But I got it working. I was only able to do a little test flight in the front yard tonight, but I am very pleased with 3.16 so far. We'll see how it goes tomorrow at the field.
