Mikrokopter FC2.2 problem


Hello everyone. Need Help collective brain.
This is because I have one, or the whole lot so ..
Well, we buy three new boards 2.2 with Axel.
Two immediately i sent to service to replaceme Recom to Traco (under 6S) although IMHO the Mikrokopter could do this spec is already included in the list of self-upgrades, IMHO its more important than the axel instead of baro.

The first thing I saw when you connect it Acc Z error (Flight Ctrl installed upside down) And below is still an error - Mixer setup error.
First - this is a bug 1.32, the error axel. My first thought - upgrade firmware... There have filled the Chinese .. Downloading repository with the latest 0.90J (by the way in comment no written that 2.2 compatible surprised)
After upgrade - GUI writes the same - Acc Z error. So i start reached into Google.
I found that i need to look at the telemetry shows that AccZ, and i surprised when i see - telemetry shows me 55-56 on AccZ. This means ***, Axel does not work. If you even if you turn upside down copter indications do not change.

However, in the course of the experiment found that if the put axel finger - the error disappears, so i got there is only a bug with the mixer. And it is remarkable that if I go to the window and choose the configuration settings and re-write it in a flash, but when reboot - hexa errors the same. After rebooting again Mixer Error, even though it sees the copter hex.

View attachment 12215View attachment 12216View attachment 12217

In general ***. Now I will take from the shelf a good old 2.1 and collect hexa with them.

350 euros! Dudes can not for this money normally solder components?!

_____Original Text (RUS )________________

Всем привет. Требуется помощь коллективного мозка.

Это у меня одного так, или вся партия такая..

Ну в общем по порядку. Получили мы три платки новых, которые 2.2 с акселем.
Две сразу отправил сервиснику Димону на замену рекома на трако (под 6S) хотя имхо могли б немцы этот спек уже и самостоятельно включить в список апгрейдов, имхо это важнее чем аксель вместо баро.

Первое что я увидел при подключении это Acc Z error (Flight Ctrl installed upside down)
А ниже еще ошибка - Mixer setup error.
Первое - это ошибка 1.32, ошибка акселя. Первая мысль - обновить прошивку, хз. что там залили китайцы.. Скачиваю с репозитария последнюю 0.90J (кстати в каментах у них не написано что 2.2 кампатидл, удивило)
Заливаю в нашего немца - нефига, пишет тот же Acc Z error. Полез в гугл.
У нас понятное дело ничего не пишут, зато у буржуев нашел инфу. Нужно смотреть в телеметрии что показывает AccZ, а показывал он у меня 55-56. Это значит жопа, аксель не работает. При чем даже если перевернуть вверх ногами коптер показания не изменяются.
Однако в ходе эксперимента обнаружено, что если придавить аксель пальцем - ошибка пропадает, остается только ошибка с микшером. Причем примечательно что если я захожу в окошечко настроек и выбираю конфигурацию заново и записываю ее во флеш, то до перезагрузки - гекса ошибок не выдает. После перезагрузки опять Mixer Error, хотя коптер видит что это гекса.


2.2.JPG [ 105.7 KiB | Просмотров: 11 ]

В общем грусняшка. Сейчас возьму с полочки старые добрые 2.1 и соберем с ними.

FC2.2mixer error.jpg [ 126.61 KiB | Просмотров: 11 ]

350 евро! чуваки не могут за эти деньги нормально акцель припаять?


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I thinking about this situation with the flight could fall off. My multirotor complex to which I was going to put on sky with this FC - worth aprox. U.S. $ 10 000, it is made up of high-end esc and expensive frame, heavy gimbal. If it is at risk because of poor upat board - next time i test FC 10 times on the ground before =)


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
Hi Andrey,

Have you read this? And have you been through the information on this page?


I'm not sure what the problem is but if you go through everything step by step you might get it figured out.

[h=1]Check the function[/h]Finally, the settings and the function need to be tested.
In the MikroKopter tool the hardware version should now appear as V2.2 (in the virtual display)
When the FlightCtrl is horizontal leveled, the AccZ value must show a level of 670-699.
(Note: The value must be less than 700, otherwise the old sensor is still active.)

This should look similar to this:

(Click for larger image)


Bartman, do you read my post above? Of course we read the instructions carefully, thank you! I wrote that we bought ready MK 2.2 boards, assembled at the factory(not upgrade). And ACC sensor readings were in the 55-56 level in GUI, but after the press (push) the sensor readings were normalized (I posted a screenshot).
This is all sad for the quality, but we can warm up the axel on the board.

Main the problem is not solved with the error mixer. We are engaged in multicopter more than five years, and collect a lot of multirotor complex around the world. However, now i wrote the problem of the quality of new MK board, actually I encountered for the first time.

Unpleasantly that the experiment with the launch of a heavy hexa misunderstanding stopped, and looked forward to solve the problem with board.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
to be honest, i read through your first post but couldn't understand much of it. in order to try to help i referenced the info in the MK wiki just in case you might have overlooked it.

reading your second post, it seems your problem is pretty simple in that a component isn't installed correctly and pressing with your finger fixes it. if you have a very high power magnifying glass you might see a cold solder joint by inspecting the area around the ACC modification. I'd contact the vendor and ask about returning it for replacement, I wouldn't want them to repair their own faulty work and leave me with the result.
