ECalc Experts??


Ok... Heading into Dangerous territory here... Actually trying to figure out Ecalc. Would any experts out here be kind enough to take a peek and help me determine if I'm inputting correct information and highlight areas of concern?? Genuinely appreciate any help.

Backstory, AD6 - Converted to X8, T Motor 2814-10s, 12x4.5" Carbons, AV200, 2-6000mah 4s and T3I/24mm Cam sinks in Manual - Leading me to believe I'm too heavy and/or under-propped.

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    Coax X8 Current Ecalc Questions.jpg
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Your gram per xxxx. Way too high. Even a 12,000mAh 6S doesn't exceed 280g. You've got 580.

clue is the battery weight, bottom left. 4.7kg! For 2 x 6000 4s it should be well under 2kg.
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Active Member
Hey mate....have a look here:

That's the tread of Marcus, the guy who wrote eCalc......most of your questions should be answered here.

In case you missed it (I did...), here is some more basic info:

It's a pretty useful tool, but I would not base my purchase decissions mainly on ecalc.....for me it worked best once I had - for example - my TBS Disco completely set up and flown a few times to get real data about flight time ect. Then I would punch in the figures in ecalc to see

how far ecalc is away from the reality ( this can be from spot-on to waaaaay off) and than it made sense to play arround with different props, motors, ESC's, LiPo's etc. to find any improvements.

Hope this helps....

PS: Some time ago I checked your web-site.....absolutely one of all time favorites in the Multirotor pro business. Great stuff....




LOL - "How to use this Calculator" - "How to interpret the Results"

Chris, you're my hero and thanks for not giving me an RTFM ;) ;) Good advice too, will take Ecalc with a grain of salt. Thanks!

(PS. Thx for the compliment, means a lot. Needs a refresh and an edit frankly. You know how it is you're never satisfied. The challenging part is that 95% of our clients are Oil and Gas and 95% of that work is under NDA, can't portfolio it and sometimes even their logo! Frustrating but as long as they keep paying the bills...) ;)
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Actually, I found ecalc to be pretty close to spot on for both my quads. The only thing missing IMO is more prop options to reflect new CF props (eg: t-motor, xoar etc), but it's small beer as long you can spec size and pitch.

Would also be good to get a graph which shows performance for all of the batteries life, not just "full, normal, low".


Active Member
LOL - .... but as long as they keep paying the bills...) ;)

....heheheh....keep on writing fat invoices :tennis:

BTW: Just saw that you decided to go for a foldable X8 from it's really itching in my place-order-finger.....too much stuff on the market.
Whenever I buy something new for my "hobby", I have to order something here as well:

Keeps the dust on a low level and the lady happy.......:tennis:



Lol for a guy with a Kratos that fingers gonna get ya in trouble ;) ;)

LMFAO!! Just clicked the Neiman link, aye, at least you've (she's) got good taste, those come in a size 11??? :black_eyed:


is Ecalc still working for everyone but me? Every time I enter in my data (same EXACT data I've entered before) it always come back with

"Your parameters lead to a calculation error.
Please check your input parameters.
Error. Overflow (6/Microsoft VBScript runtime error)"

Or sometimes the same message but at the end "Error. Divide by Zero. VBScript Runtime Error."

Not sure what's wrong..I haven't changed by browser or anything on my whole computer for that matter.


Thanks for the reply Dave...thing is it was just working a few weeks ago when I was buying all my stuff to built my that I have it all together and seeing data from the ESC's I want to compare it to what Ecalc told me...but now I keep getting errors. People keep posting about using it so I'm thinking it's something wrong with my computer or browser and not Ecalc itself.... :(


New Member
Your eCalc issue

is Ecalc still working for everyone but me? Every time I enter in my data (same EXACT data I've entered before) it always come back with

"Your parameters lead to a calculation error.
Please check your input parameters.
Error. Overflow (6/Microsoft VBScript runtime error)"

Or sometimes the same message but at the end "Error. Divide by Zero. VBScript Runtime Error."

Not sure what's wrong..I haven't changed by browser or anything on my whole computer for that matter.
I realize that it's been awhile but in case you have the issue with eCalc again:
Under the "Motor" spec section / Limit (up to 15s): / Make sure that you don't have your max "Watts" number entered in the field with "Amps" selected from the dropdown choices Or Vice-Versa
That particular oversight will cause that exact error response every time
