Zero UAV Please Help motion compensation !!?


Zero ys-x6 uav.

Can anyone tell me why the only back motors have more power. I did the esc calibration Again, and now I dont need to throttle up until the front motors come on line too, but still the back motors have more power. Is it the pich or Yaw or something I have to change?
I am new in this and I have learned alot, but still cant fly so I apprishiate any help ....

Thank you very much
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Wikipedia Photographer
If you are using the same motors and ESCs back and front, there should not be any difference. Perhaps your multirotor just is unballanced?


If you are using the same motors and ESCs back and front, there should not be any difference. Perhaps your multirotor just is unballanced?

Thank you Brother for Looking my way :)

I do think my problem has something to do with the "" compensation"" and pich Sens. And roll sens.
These are my Numbers What do you think?

Roll Sens. 60
Pitch sens. 60
Sway Compensation 80 ( I have tried to go up to 120 without any help, I have not yet tried the negative numbers nor under 80!!?
Throttle sens 100

any help will be highly apprishiated

Thank you
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Drone Enthusiast
Are the sub-trims on you radio set to center/zero? Like Eskil said, make sure your craft is balanced and has good balance on the center of gravity.
